Highlighted books

O lume

(Demo, 2022)

Since 2010, I have been working with Demo Editorial on the linguistic revision and lettering of their books of comics. In several cases, I have also done the translation into Galician, as in the case of the great success of David Rubín, published in coordination with the Spanish edition of Astiberri (El fuego [The Fire]).

Coruña Gráfica / Graphic Coruña

(Demo, 2015)

I was in charge of coordinating this bilingual guide of about a hundred illustrators of the city of A Coruña, with an updated and online English version in 2017.

Books from the Observatory on Graphic Illustration

(FADIP, 2009-2012)

Informe 2008, Los retos de la era digital e Nuevo libro blanco de la ilustración gráfica en España son tres libros publicados polo Observatorio da Ilustración Gráfica considerados fundamentais polos profesionais do sector. Coordinei os tres, e levei a cabo tamén neles labores de redacción.

As crónicas de Gáidil

(Difusora, 2007)

With texts by Pablo Fernández Otero and Nacho Rodríguez Domínguez, and illustrations by Víctor Rivas, this was the first role-playing game published in Galician. I was responsible for the editorial coordination and proofreading of the project.

Portada do libro feismo, destruir un país

Feísmo? Destruír
un país

(Difusora, 2006)

This book, dedicated to the problems of urban planning in Galicia, won the Galician Federation of Booksellers’ Prize for Publishing Work of the Year and was a finalist in the Galician Federation of Publishers’ Prize for Book of the Year. In this case, I carried out the editorial coordination and transcription, editing and proofreading tasks.

Portada do Catálogo de músicos da Limia

Catálogo de músicos da Limia. Música tradicional

(Difusora, )

This book on traditional musicians, directed by Cástor Castro, was the subject of a monographic episode of the Alalá programme, broadcast by TVG. I was responsible for coordinating the publication and proofreading the texts.

Portada do libro Nunca Máis

Nunca Máis. A voz
da cidadanía – Tomo 1

(Difusora, 2003)

An ambitious compilation of all kinds of documents from the Nunca Máis movement (which emerged as a protest against the ecological disaster caused by the sinking of the oil tanker Prestige) in all its facets. My role in the project was to coordinate the publication and edit the texts.

Portada do libro Castelao no seu tempo

no seu tempo: unha perspectiva ourensá

(Aira Iniciativas Culturais, 2001)

I was the publishing coordinator and proofreader for this book about the prominent writer, painter, cartoonist and politician A. R. Castelao. It includes articles by Francisco Fernández del Riego, Henrique Monteagudo, Marcos Válcárcel and Afonso Vázquez-Monxardín, among others.

Highlighted projects

Labels for the 110th Anniversary of Estrella Galicia

For Demo Editorial, under the art direction of Manel Cráneo, I was in charge of the technical coordination of the 110 labels illustrated by fifty renowned Galician and international authors, which were used on 220 million bottles of Estrella Galicia beer that year.


Ao longo dos anos coordinei múltiples mostras, principalmente relativas a cómic e ilustración. 10 anos de BD galega (2007) tivo itinerancia por moi diversos lugares (A Habana, Lisboa, Angoulême, Bruxelas). Tamén estiven implicado en exposicións como as de Frei Martín Sarmiento e Antón Avilés de Taramancos para a Xunta de Galicia (2002-2003). A última ata o de agora, 100 anos da bandeira galega no palacio municipal da Coruña (2021), foi realizada dentro do proxecto Coruña Gráfica.

Portada do libro Levante, Maio

Forum on the “Maios of Ourense” and Forums on “Feísmo”

In these experiences, the presence of numerous guests was coordinated to try to achieve in-depth reflections (one on ethnography, the others on urban development) from multiple perspectives, which were later reflected in books.

Ourense Film Festival

I was the technical coordinator of the festival for three editions, and was also in charge of its publications for two other editions.

“Cineclube Padre Feijoo” Film Society

In this long-established audiovisual institution in Ourense, I coordinated film programming and activities. I was also president of the Federation of Galician Film Societies for four years.

Xornadas de Banda Deseñada (Ourense Comics Festival)

A precursor comics festival in Galicia, where I also coordinated the International Fanzine Exhibition (Expofanzines), with its annual catalogue, and O Fanzine das Xornadas, the longest-running Galician comics magazine to date.

Shall we talk?

Whatever your project is, get in touch to find out how we can collaborate.